They who win the propaganda war win the world
Before I start, note that I'll use the acronym POSBT to mean "pro-or-slightly-biased-towards". Now let's see... In the short time since Israel entered Lebanon, we've seen/heard:
- Israeli kids are brainwashed to hate the Lebanese as exemplified by those photos of kids writing messages on the artillery waiting to be deployed in Lebanon. (POBST-Lebanon source / POBST-Israeli source – Lisa Goldman / POBST-Lebanon comment [WARNING: Graphic])
- Photographers with an Arab names, like Adnan Hajj, will manipulate photographs, perhaps to win more compassion for Lebanon, perhaps just to enhance his own prestige. (source)
- Israel used the Hezbollah-instigated kidnapping of Israeli soldiers as an excuse to disproportionately bomb the shit out of Beiruit and Southern Lebanon (POBST-Lebanon source – Antony Loewenstein / POBST-Israel source – Charles Krauthammer / [my] POBST-Israel comment)
- Israel is going beyond the pale specifically targetting UN personnel and civillians. (POBST-Lebanon source – Michael Moore / POBST-Israel source)
The UN is helping to protect Hezbollah soldiers. (sources to be linked...)Struck out because after posting this I took a month off from blogging and never followed up on the sources for this. I don't think there was ever any evidence to suggest this, but there may be evidence to support the claim that the UN has recently helped Hamas soliders in this way &ndash a possible mixup. (08 September, 2006)
Mosque with smoke image credit: AP/Hussein Malla
Israel girls image credit: AP/Sebastian Scheiner
Beiruit burning images credit: Reuters/Adnan Hajj
Technorati Tags: Israel, Lebanon, conflict, propaganda, media, journalistic ethics, Hezbollah, Hizbollah
Categorised as: media, philosophy